Blueberry Bread (Bread Machine) — The Skinny Fork by Gordon Ramsay

Blueberry Bread (Bread Machine) — The Skinny Fork


I’m… making a lot of bread lately. I’ve found that being stuck at home and baking seem to go hand-in-hand. And when I’m planning out breakfast, bread just happens to be my new go-to. I guess that could be due to the fact that I got a new bread machine a few months back now.

This Blueberry Bread really hit the spot. It’s light and fluffy and full of blueberry goodness. A slice of this for breakfast with some butter, jam, and a side of fresh berries is a beautiful way to start the day. I lightened this bread up by using an unsweetened almond milk and plenty of blueberries.


This recipe has already been read 13 times!

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